The United States is a vast land with a variety of drinking venues, from traditional watering holes to trendy lounges. We’ve compiled a list of 25 American pubs worth visiting – including classics and up-and-comers. We hope this list inspires you to visit your nearest drinking establishment and drink responsibly. Here are some of our favorites:
Doyle’s Cafe, a neighborhood pub in Savannah, Georgia, is a favorite of locals and travelers alike. Its casual ambiance and killer cocktails have earned it a reputation as the best pub in USA. Located near the Sam Adams brewery, Doyle’s is a favorite of the locals and is known for its live music. It has a sexy and edgy attitude that makes it a favorite among locals.
The Irish Pub in Syracuse, New York, offers a mix of restaurant and old-world Irish pub appeal. The bar takes pride in providing an authentic Irish environment, while keeping a balance between fun and learning. There is a trivia game and live music. A full bar of Irish-style food and a wide selection of brews are sure to satisfy any palate. No matter what your preference, you’re sure to find the perfect pub for you.