Beers are made from malted barley and can be served at varying temperatures. Lagers and ales are typically served at a temperature of 40 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Water is 90% of beer, but some brewers add ions or minerals to enhance flavor or appearance. Yeast is a primary ingredient that contributes flavor to beer, as well as carbonation, alcohol, and aromatic compounds. Yeast strains used in brewing also affect the taste of a beer.
A traditional German-style lager is light in color, with a malt and a lightly vinous flavor. Its light color is a result of a higher-than-average level of sweetness. It is fermented using ale yeast, but is sometimes made with lager yeast for bottle conditioning. A Berliner-style Weisse is often served with flavored syrup. Depending on the style, some brewers use corn or rice to enhance its flavor.
The California common is made with lager yeast but fermented at ale temperatures. This beer is notable for its caramel-like and toasted malt flavor. It is often referred to as a “steam beer” and is produced by Anchor Brewing Company. The Northern Brewer hops add a woody flavor to the beer. Its bitterness level is moderate to high. A California common is the perfect choice for people who enjoy beer.
A beer’s color can be measured using the Standard Reference Method (SRM). SRM is a system that gives a numerical value to describe the color of a beer. The range is typically two to fifty, and the higher the number, the darker the beer. SRM was developed by the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASTB).